About us

Welcome Islamic Forex Traders.

We specialize in providing Sharia-compliant forex trading solutions designed to empower your financial future. Our mission is to make forex trading accessible, transparent, and rewarding for all.

Get Started
Our Process

How the process works “Sida habka u shaqeeyo:”

Choose an investment plan such as $50, $80. Send investment via Waafi, Sahal, Zaad, Dahabshil or Taaj EVC. Give us your name, number and country. When profit is ready give us your account receiving details. There is however a sixteen tax fee imposed on every investment. When you make an Investment with us, don’t worry about losing. We use modern technology. Your payment is 100% guaranteed. All payments are done after every 24 hours of Trade.

Dooro qorshaha maalgashiga, sida $50 ama $80. U soo dir maalgashigaaga adeegyada Waafi, Sahal, Zaad, Dahabshil, ama Taaj EVC. Nagu soo gudbi magacaaga, lambarkaaga, iyo dalkaaga. Marka faa'iidada diyaar noqoto, noogu soo dir faahfaahinta akoonka aad ku heli doonto lacagta. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, waxaa maalgashiga kasta lagu soo rogay canshuur dhan 16%. Marka aad nala maalgashato, ha ka walwalin inaad khasaarayso. Waxaan adeegsaneynaa farsamo casri ah. Lacag-bixintaadu waa 100% damaanad leh. Dhammaan lacag-bixinnada waxaa lagu sameeyaa 24 saacadood gudahood ka dib ganacsiga.

Pricing plans

Investment Plans Page “Qorshayaasha Maalgashiga”

Starter Plan

Invest: $50

Return: $1100

Time: 24 hours

Maalgashi: $50

Soo celin: $1100

Waqtiga: 24 saacadood

Basic Plan

Invest: $80

Return: $1500

Maalgashi: $80

Soo celin: $1500


Invest: $100

Return: $2500

Maalgashi: $100

Soo celin: $2500

Happy Investors Maalgashadayaal Faraxsan

"What Our Clients Say" "Maxay Macaamiisheenu Ka Yidhaahdeen"

Client Feedback “Ra'yiga Macaamiisha”
Proof of Payment

"Real Results You Can Count On"

Maalgashi $100, soo celin $2700 24 saacadood gudahood!

• Maalgashi $200, soo celin $3900 24 saacadood gudahood!

Maalgashi $100, soo celin $2700 24 saacadood gudahood!

Maalgashi $100, soo celin $2700 24 saacadood gudahood!

Maalgashi $100, soo celin $2700 24 saacadood gudahood!

Investment Proof